New Look 0178 - Steampunk Dalek Cosplay - Part II

As I noted in the first post in this series, this was one of my early sewing endeavors. While I'm not expert-level sewing now, I definitely know more than I did then.  You've been warned. The quality of the work is shaky at best.  But hey - it stayed on and covered all the important bits.

This post will focus on the making of the top. I had picked out the brown fabric initially then needed some trim to make Dalek lines. I found this great leather trim that was reminiscent of steampunk.

The pattern calls for the top to be a halter top, but as you can see in the picture below, I changed it to a standard tank top. The halter ties made the front section puff out in a way that opened up my chest for business. 

There's a zipper in the back, which I had to put in twice due to losing weight between when I first made the top and when I actually got to wear the outfit.

Personally, I struggled to get the top to fit really well, even after making adjustments. I had to use Hollywood tape to hold it into place and not get too floppy. This is one of those things that I am learning to do better - adjust to my body type. Clothing makers and pattern companies assume that someone who has my hip size automatically has a larger bust. Much larger. So that requires me to make significant grading down to fit my body shape.
