New Look 0178 - Steampunk Dalek Cosplay - Part I

We all remember our first cosplay, right? Well, my first experiment in the genre was rather complicated.  I made a Dalek from the TV program Doctor Who.  Which honestly, if you haven't yet figured out I'm a fan, then you haven't been paying attention to my posts (here and here). 

Anyway, my inspiration for the Dalek dress came from a picture I came across online.  I loved the look and the simplicity of the dress.  You will notice that the picture is not of a steampunk-style Dalek.  That wasn't even my original intention, yet my dress evolved that way, so I went with it.

Dalek Dress
Picture of the inspiration dress for my Dalek Cosplay. From:
I did not have much in the way of sewing skills way back when, so I used this as a jumping off point. I had to find a pattern that matched the shape of the dress in a way I wanted, so I opted for New Look #0178.

New Look 0178 Pattern

I used views A & E (the pink dress) for the shape.  Obviously, some modifications would be needed to make this look like a Dalek.  Not just a Dalek, a steampunk Dalek, as it turned out.

All dressed up in my Steampunk Dalek

Over the next few posts, I will cover the making of this cosplay.
