Inaugural Post

Hello (currently non-existent) readers!

I have decided to start a blog to chronicle my adventures in sewing. I realized when I looking for ideas on using patterns I have hanging around that there isn't anything out there.  Perhaps it's time to begin sharing my foibles, bumbles, and results.  Thus, this blog will share patterns that I have made, tips for the patterns, and any new skills I've learned along the way!


To get us started, one of my very first projects, a three-zippered pouch that I made through a class at JoAnn's.  The fabric is a heavy cotton that I had leftover from something years before. I thought it was really ugly before the project, but I was pleased with how it came out, and now the pouch lives in my gym bag.

This was my first attempt at an invisible zipper.  With guidance, it looks halfway decent! Stay tuned for lesser impressive zipper attempts. 
